Twitpay is the leading innovator in payment technology for social media

We bring security, simplicity, convenience and promotional visibility to every social media transaction.

Twitpay Compatibility

Twitpay is compatible with most of the leading credit card processor gateways. Once approved for twitpay you will have access to the integration API.

Waterkeeper is raising money for the response effort to the Gulf oil leak.

Malaria No More, Case Foundation and Twitter used RT2Give to pay for nets in Africa as part of

Literary Freedom Project works to keep literacy vibrant and a part of education.

Value for Nonprofits

  • Monetize your investment in social media
  • Communicate with your followers in a unique way
  • Issue timely, relevant messages
  • Include your request for funding
  • Create new funding campaigns quickly
  • Extend your message’s reach exponentially to potential donors
  • Access a key new demographic (24 to 44 years of age)
  • Receive donated funds quickly
  • Track campaign financials with dashboards and reports
  • Integrate data with your donor management system